All About Allergens: Pets

If you tend to suffer from a runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, or nasal congestion around your dogs or your cats at home, fear not – you don’t have to give them up. Below, learn more about how your lovable fur-babies can lead to these symptoms, and bear in mind prevention and management tips that can minimise your allergic reactions – all without having to part with your furry friends.

All About Allergens: Pets

If you tend to suffer from a runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, or nasal congestion around your dogs or your cats at home, fear not – you don’t have to give them up. Below, learn more about how your lovable fur-babies can lead to these symptoms, and bear in mind prevention and management tips that can minimise your allergic reactions – all without having to part with your furry friends.

Causes of Pet Allergy

Think you have an animal fur allergy ? Not quite. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not dog fur or cat fur, but rather the proteins found in their dander (dead skin cells), saliva, or urine, that can trigger your allergies to dogs and cats1.

These particles will often stick to your pet’s fur, which we tend to touch frequently. On top of that, these lightweight particles can become airborne and latch onto your person and onto furniture in your home.

Is there a difference between a dog allergy and a cat allergy? Not in essence, but cats do trigger allergic reactions far more often. This is because cats can spend anywhere between 15-50% of their time grooming and licking their fur. This cat behavior, while it keeps them clean, makes them shed more dander than dogs.

Outlined lightbulb with rays of light


Most people tend to associate pet-related allergies with dander from a cat or dog. However, dander can also come from other pets, such as hamsters, rabbits, gerbils, and guinea pigs, amongst others.

Symptoms of Pet Allergy2

  • Sneezing  
  • Runny nose  
  • Nasal congestion
  • Irritated eyes and throat
  • Itchy skin, rash, or hives
  • Wheezing or chest congestion
  • Allergic asthma

Prevention Tips for Pet Allergy3

    Before welcoming pets into your home, bear in mind that “ hypoallergenic ” breeds of dogs and cats are nothing but a marketing myth – all dogs and cats, even hairless breeds, shed allergens to varying degrees. As an alternative, people who suffer frequent allergies should consider keeping fish or birds as pets instead.
    Much as we may like to cuddle with our dogs or cats at night, keeping them out of the bedroom is key when you want a much-deserved reprieve from your allergies. Give your pets a cozy corner of your home to claim as their own “bedroom,” and make it as enticing and inviting to them with toys, comfy pet beds, pet blankets, water, treats etc. Train them to keep off of upholstered furniture too.
    Bathe your pet regularly to keep allergens from accumulating in their fur. Groom and brush them daily to minimize allergens on their fur and be sure to wear a mask while you’re grooming them. As an alternative, book regular grooming sessions for your pets with a professional.
    After touching a pet, avoid touching your eyes, mouth or nose until you’ve had a chance to wash your hands thoroughly.
    If you are prone to pet-related allergies, it is advisable for you to ask a family member or friend in advance if they have a furry pet at home, so as to allow you to be prepared with allergy medicine should your symptoms start to flare up during your next visit.

Solution for Pet Allergy

Clarityne® provides fast-acting and non-drowsy relief from symptoms of pet allergies. Say goodbye to constant sneezing; itchy, watery eyes; blocked or runny nose; and itchy skin or hives from your pet allergies. With Clarityne®’s 24hour long-lasting allergy relief, you can enjoy allergy-free play time in the loving company of your furry friends.


  1. Why Does My Cat... Groom Excessively? Vet Street. Accessed November 3, 2021
  2. Pet Allergy. Mayo Clinic. Accessed September 10, 2017.
  3. Hypoallergenic pets are a myth! Charleston Allergy and Asthma, Accessed November 3, 2021